Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Project Progress

We finished creating periodic table and different trend of ionization, but there were problems
getting into the wonderland and snowglobes.
We tried to make it possible to get into that systems, but in the wonderland, the avatar was not even visible and nothing was possible to be moved or be created. However, Joon figured out to get in to the snowglobe in someway so we could be able to get into the snowglobe. ( We tried to install everything, both wonderland and snowglobes, in new versions)
We have been working all day and suddenly, the snowglobe shutted dwon and we couldn't
get back into the snowglobes anymore, it's now three in the midnight and we can't keep working
for today. These are the screenshots that we took. And we are really sad that we could not use the periodic table and trend that we made. It took so many days of meeting and efforts to create those :( What we did was to create new atoms and figured out how to encode stuffs into the molecule. Moreover, we started making portfolio.