Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Project Progress

We finished creating periodic table and different trend of ionization, but there were problems
getting into the wonderland and snowglobes.
We tried to make it possible to get into that systems, but in the wonderland, the avatar was not even visible and nothing was possible to be moved or be created. However, Joon figured out to get in to the snowglobe in someway so we could be able to get into the snowglobe. ( We tried to install everything, both wonderland and snowglobes, in new versions)
We have been working all day and suddenly, the snowglobe shutted dwon and we couldn't
get back into the snowglobes anymore, it's now three in the midnight and we can't keep working
for today. These are the screenshots that we took. And we are really sad that we could not use the periodic table and trend that we made. It took so many days of meeting and efforts to create those :( What we did was to create new atoms and figured out how to encode stuffs into the molecule. Moreover, we started making portfolio.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

< Periodic Trends >

This is the Periodic Trends in the size of Atoms

Even if the original Periodic table tells you lots of information itself, for students who want

to study chemistry more in depth might be interested in knowin different versions of periodic

tables related to their trends.

This is the trends in Atomic Radius and the numbers are each atom's relative size.

This is drawn in the Google Sketchup and took me about approximatly three hours of

three days, so total of about ten hours.

I had to make an each block and make differences in increments.

Hopefully, this would be really helpful for students who are studying chemistry.

My partner will move the stuffs I created to Wonderland soon, and It would look great !!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Periodic table

Using Google Sketch-up, you can construct any designs or buildings that you wish to make.
There are lots of different ways to make structures with different types of tools.
For example, I made atoms in periodic table from atomic number eleven to fifty.
I used circle, follow-me, paint, text, rorating, copy-and paster, and more tools to
create these atoms,and anyone can easily learn how to use Google Sketch-up from
"Yahooo Google Sketch-up" website.

My partner, Joon, and I made most of all atoms using Google Sketch-up, and
we will drag these atoms into the wonderland to create a virtual view of periodic table.

Here are the screenshots for atoms I created. Atoms are divided by their properties, and
those diffeences are indicated by diffeent colors.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Periodic Table (Atomic Number 6 through 10)


Even we got the username and passwords for the Rocket world,

the system wouldn't let us in. Joon and I tried all versions of the second life.

So we each made five atoms and the buttons behind each of the atom to show

how the structure in the Second life world would look like.

In Second life, it is even possible to create something that is not realistic in our real world;

but helpful in various of fields. In our case, we decided to use the concept of Second life

in order to express the periodic table.
We got the concept from doing the google sketch up these atoms, and
we are all ready to create a great periodic table whenever we are able to access into
Second Life.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Google Sketch Up (New)

This is the screenshots of using a new version of a google sketch up.
you can create an object or more detailed buildings using this google sketch up, and
this can be really helpful for building your ideas in virtual world.
(More details of explanations will be added soon)

If you want to see the descriptions of the each steps for now, go to the older posts of the Google Sketch Up.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Space Shuttle ( Google Sketchup )

For this time, I used Google Sketchup to create a space shuttle, based on the techniques I learned from those videos.
Again, here is the link to google sketchup video and downloads:
and here are screenshots of my new space shuttle.

Using draw, push/pull, and rotate tools, body of space shuttle was made

Follow me tool and off set tool was helpful when trying different shapes of wings.

I used the concept of array and copy that I learned in the video to create those
three cylinders for the engines.

Again, I used push/pull tool for finishing up the engine.

I used layer and grouping tool to make windows separately
and then I drag them into the gody of the shuttle, and then ued erase tool
to clean the edges of the shuttle.

Using same concept, wheels of the shuttle were created

I made the whold space shuttle as a one group and then
rotated it in order to take better screenshots of it.

I used paint tool to add colors to my space shuttle, and
finally, my new space shuttle was created !!

I am currently taking the Immersive Education course at Boston College(MT358-Video game and virtual reality).
For more information please refer to the Immersive Education Talking Points file.

Google Sketchup: Familiar with Google Sketch Up

For this week's homework, I was supposed to watch 10 videos on "Google sketchup training".
By watching these videos, you could learn more details on creating objects using Google Sketchup. Here is the link for the Google sketchup. You can download it and if you go to the
'training' menu, you can watch some interesting videos to learn about new techniques in creating objects.

And here are some screenshots taken while watching the videos and practicing them myself at the same time.

'Copy and Array'

Mirror: you can make an mirror image by using this tool.
First, you should make a group of the entire object created and by stretching it
in opposite direction, you could simply make a mirror image of it

Inferencing : you could inference the direction, especially the axes
where you want to move along by pressing shift button.

Accuracy: you could be accurate by using this tool, measuring the
size and the diection you want, and by simply typing them in.

Autofold: by using this tool, you could move a point to any place you want
and the entire objects move along the direction

Intersect with Model: you could intersect two models and
intersect by clicking right button on your computer

Inference Locking : not only to the axes,
but also to the objects you created, you could make the inference locking.

Match Photo Part: in this part, you could actually impose the image and
try to match the photo with your objects.

I am currently taking the Immersive Education course at Boston College(MT358-Video game and virtual reality).
For more information please refer to the Immersive Education Talking Points file.