Sunday, March 28, 2010

Space Shuttle ( Google Sketchup )

For this time, I used Google Sketchup to create a space shuttle, based on the techniques I learned from those videos.
Again, here is the link to google sketchup video and downloads:
and here are screenshots of my new space shuttle.

Using draw, push/pull, and rotate tools, body of space shuttle was made

Follow me tool and off set tool was helpful when trying different shapes of wings.

I used the concept of array and copy that I learned in the video to create those
three cylinders for the engines.

Again, I used push/pull tool for finishing up the engine.

I used layer and grouping tool to make windows separately
and then I drag them into the gody of the shuttle, and then ued erase tool
to clean the edges of the shuttle.

Using same concept, wheels of the shuttle were created

I made the whold space shuttle as a one group and then
rotated it in order to take better screenshots of it.

I used paint tool to add colors to my space shuttle, and
finally, my new space shuttle was created !!

I am currently taking the Immersive Education course at Boston College(MT358-Video game and virtual reality).
For more information please refer to the Immersive Education Talking Points file.

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