Monday, March 1, 2010

The IBM Game Report

Hi everyone, I read the IBM Game Report and found it really interesting!
You can also read this Gaming Report by simply clicking this link:$FILE/ibm_gio_gaming_report.pdf

Here are some quotations that I found it was important in the IBM Gaming Report, and I summarized what I read in the report under the quotations.

  • "If you want to see what business leadership may look like in three to five years, look at what's happening is online games."
    (Byron Reeves)

  • "You can never stop earning the right to be their leader."

  • "You always have to be sensitive to the concerns of members, and you always have to sell decisions you make. Goodwill from past successes doesn't last forever."
    (Tom Cadwell)

  • "Leadership happens quickly and easily in online games, often undertaken by otherwise reserved players, who surprise even themselves with their capabilities."

  • "Three of every four players surveyed in the IBM study believe that the techniques and approaches found in online games could enhance their leadership effectiveness in the worlplace."

  • "In the online gaming world, risk-taking is encouraged. it is even considered a necessary precursor to success."

  • "the structur of the games is such that failure is accepted as a cost of doing business, rather than a permanent black mark or a career killer"

Since our life of the world is becoming widely global and international, many businessmen use the virtual world to investigate their future and to use it helpful for their own jobs. They have been trying to define the main goal of the virtual world. Several possible answers would be to investigate our own future,to organize ourselves, to create a world that cannot be created in our real world, or maybe just to use the system as a preparation of creating an object in the real world.

In class of boston college, the Video Game and Virtual Reality, students have discussed such a question, and the final answer for it was resulted in nothing.
We were taught in the class that the goal of using virtual world depends solely on creaters and the purpose also could be only for fun. Therefore, there are no explicit goals for the virtual world. If a creater wants the goal to be the education, it could be the education and if a creater watns the goal to be the entertainment, it could be the entertainment.

In the IBM Game Report, it discusses about the their views of the virtual environments and online entertainments. In more details, it explains how people explored the virtual environment, how they set the goal, and how they actually demonstrate the behavior of the leadership in online environments. People are actually getting some opportunities to lead from the interactive online games.

Moreover, the online game system motivates people to put their effors to attainn the leaderships, and such an efforts putting excercises can actually help motivate themselves in the real world effectively, and such an excercise is open to everyone and everyone can be a leader in the virtual world.

In summary of the report, it says in the report that "online gaming environments facilitate leadership through project oriented organization, multiple real-time sources of information upon which to make decisions, transparent skills and competencies among co-players, transparent incentive systems, and multiple and purpose-specific communications mediums."

The IBM Game Report shows an example of a female experiencing online game.
She was quiete and having hard time to speak up in front of many people but by experiencing online game, she learned how to cooperate with people and actually act as a leader in the virtual world. This example shows how virtual world environment can actually affect gamers.

Furthermore, this report explains how the failures or other possible happening in game environment can affect your real world, and support their idea with psycholigical and sociological views of understanding human nature in much better way via virtual world.

From experiencing failure in the virtual world, you can encourage yourself to try again and again, and finally become a real leader in both virual world and the real world.

I am currently taking the Immersive Education course at Boston College(MT358-Video game and virtual reality).
For more information please refer to the Immersive Education Talking Points file.

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