Sunday, March 21, 2010

NASA Spacewalk Simulator

Create an official Immersive Education forum account at this link:

You may have to wait one or two days to be activated.
Look for installer under Rocket World forum discussion and install the NASA spacewalk simulator. (only works for PC)

Here are the screenshots taken for the NASA Spacewalk Simulator

When you complete installing the system, you may see this starting screen

This is the first view I got when I logged into the system, and

I was little confusedby these all the fancy stuffs on the space.

However, as I slowly read and follow what it says on the instruction,
it was much easier than I thought

The goal of the NASA Spacewalks Simulator is
"to make the Hubble telescope more powerful than it ever been"

By using the shortcut keys on your keyboard, I could move forward and backward,
right and left, and up and down.

I could also select a type of space walk by pressing F1 to F5 button,

and alternate the spacwalk type

And these two screenshots (up and bottom) are the comparison of
turning lights on and off on the spacecraft

By pressing number buttoms on your keyboard,
you could alternate the views on the space, and I believe that
there are much more to learn about this immersive education learning tool.

I am currently taking the Immersive Education course at Boston College(MT358-Video game and virtual reality).
For more information please refer to the Immersive Education Talking Points file.

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