Sunday, March 28, 2010

Google Sketchup: Familiar with Google Sketch Up

For this week's homework, I was supposed to watch 10 videos on "Google sketchup training".
By watching these videos, you could learn more details on creating objects using Google Sketchup. Here is the link for the Google sketchup. You can download it and if you go to the
'training' menu, you can watch some interesting videos to learn about new techniques in creating objects.

And here are some screenshots taken while watching the videos and practicing them myself at the same time.

'Copy and Array'

Mirror: you can make an mirror image by using this tool.
First, you should make a group of the entire object created and by stretching it
in opposite direction, you could simply make a mirror image of it

Inferencing : you could inference the direction, especially the axes
where you want to move along by pressing shift button.

Accuracy: you could be accurate by using this tool, measuring the
size and the diection you want, and by simply typing them in.

Autofold: by using this tool, you could move a point to any place you want
and the entire objects move along the direction

Intersect with Model: you could intersect two models and
intersect by clicking right button on your computer

Inference Locking : not only to the axes,
but also to the objects you created, you could make the inference locking.

Match Photo Part: in this part, you could actually impose the image and
try to match the photo with your objects.

I am currently taking the Immersive Education course at Boston College(MT358-Video game and virtual reality).
For more information please refer to the Immersive Education Talking Points file.

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