Friday, March 12, 2010

Lord Of The Rings

We also had to play the Lord Of The Rings for the Week#6 homework.
It almost had the same concepts with the World of Warcraft.
It was fun also, an I played this game for 4 hours to level up.
I thought it might have beem possible to level up little more, but I found it hard when
I was supposed to find the court and talk and give some stuffs to the assigned character.
You should also try to play this game on line!!
Here are the link and screensots that I took every fifteen minutes while playing game.

Just like the previous game, the World of Warcraft, the idea was a lot similar.I had to talk to people and will be assigned some quests in order to level up and make my character powerful.

This is the screenshot of my character fighting an animal. I was assigned to kill them and collect some stuffs that I would get after killing them

After collecting the stuffs, I had to bring it back to get a new quest and level up.
This is the screen shot of me getting a new quest

In this case, I was supposed to collect the seeds of the past and this is the screenshot
of my character completing the quest.

I am currently taking the Immersive Education course at Boston College(MT358-Video game and virtual reality).
For more information please refer to the Immersive Education Talking Points file.

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