Friday, March 12, 2010

IED High School Virtual World

For another homework for week #6,
I had to go to this link and download the wonderland.

In order to do this,

(1) you might need to download JAVA

(2) click lunch (wonderland.jmlp)

(3) then you just need to type up your name ( no passwords needed)

When I logged in, I took a screenshot having my name on it.
Here are the screenshots I took

In this system, I could change my appearance of avatar, the angle of camera, and also create an objects just like the rocket world.

It was taught in the class that at IED high school, they use this program to teach and learn on line. I found it really interesting and felt it would have the similar idea as the rocket world that we have been used in class.

I am currently taking the Immersive Education course at Boston College(MT358-Video game and virtual reality).
For more information please refer to the Immersive Education Talking Points file.

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