Sunday, October 17, 2010

Periodic table

Using Google Sketch-up, you can construct any designs or buildings that you wish to make.
There are lots of different ways to make structures with different types of tools.
For example, I made atoms in periodic table from atomic number eleven to fifty.
I used circle, follow-me, paint, text, rorating, copy-and paster, and more tools to
create these atoms,and anyone can easily learn how to use Google Sketch-up from
"Yahooo Google Sketch-up" website.

My partner, Joon, and I made most of all atoms using Google Sketch-up, and
we will drag these atoms into the wonderland to create a virtual view of periodic table.

Here are the screenshots for atoms I created. Atoms are divided by their properties, and
those diffeences are indicated by diffeent colors.

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