Sunday, October 17, 2010

Periodic table

Using Google Sketch-up, you can construct any designs or buildings that you wish to make.
There are lots of different ways to make structures with different types of tools.
For example, I made atoms in periodic table from atomic number eleven to fifty.
I used circle, follow-me, paint, text, rorating, copy-and paster, and more tools to
create these atoms,and anyone can easily learn how to use Google Sketch-up from
"Yahooo Google Sketch-up" website.

My partner, Joon, and I made most of all atoms using Google Sketch-up, and
we will drag these atoms into the wonderland to create a virtual view of periodic table.

Here are the screenshots for atoms I created. Atoms are divided by their properties, and
those diffeences are indicated by diffeent colors.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Periodic Table (Atomic Number 6 through 10)


Even we got the username and passwords for the Rocket world,

the system wouldn't let us in. Joon and I tried all versions of the second life.

So we each made five atoms and the buttons behind each of the atom to show

how the structure in the Second life world would look like.

In Second life, it is even possible to create something that is not realistic in our real world;

but helpful in various of fields. In our case, we decided to use the concept of Second life

in order to express the periodic table.
We got the concept from doing the google sketch up these atoms, and
we are all ready to create a great periodic table whenever we are able to access into
Second Life.